Film tales that make the world go round in cinema Europa

The Woman With a Broken Nose, an inspiring tale about love being the key energy to all human exsistence starts its regular distribution on 20th of January in cinema Europa. Directed by Srðan Koljeviæ (co-writer of the critically acclaimed thriller The Trap), the film is a tale about a strange sequence of events that follow one suicide attempt on an (in)famous Branko’s bridge in Belgrade. Featured are acclaimed Serbian actors NebojÅ¡a Glogovac, Anica Dobra and Branka Katiæ.
The Croatian distribution of children’s film hit ‘Magic Silver’ also begins on 20th of January. Situated in the depths of the Norvegian woods, ‘Magic Silver’ is a marvellous tale of a group of mountain gnomes, especially one particular – minuscule Princess Bluerose whose bravery will save the Earth from eternal darkness.